Planning for a 7 day, 3,200 mile, adventure on UK rails

Planning for a 7 day, 3,200 mile, adventure on UK rails

Since returning to the UK nearly 5 years ago, I’ve been re-igniting my interest in trains and train travel, remembering the fun I had cruising up and down the rails on various rovers when I was a teenager. Whilst many aspects of the experience have changed, the basic joy is still the same – effortlessly (mostly) gliding through the country, reading a newspaper or book in peace, day-dreaming out of the window and, for me, an injection of energy through the sheer power of a train, whizzing (more on that in a future post…) between places, building itineraries and devising challenges such as “what is the furthest distance I can cover in a day” etc.

Possibly my first “rover” ticket – £5!

Travel had of course been curtailed during COVID and then, with a change in my job from one that included global travel to one that saw virtually none, I was almost bound to my home office. A trip in to Central London became something to look forward to and plan. It was then that the idea of an all line rail rover took root in my mind and I put up a large scale map of the country’s rail network on my wall to inspire me and plan for a 7 day all line rover.

A further change in my job, or, more particularly 3 months of impending gardening leave, has given me the perfect opportunity. And in what better way to consider the next steps in my career, tidy up my CV and LinkedIn profile, catch up with some friends around the country and read some inspiring books – than in First Class! Oh and time to pursue an interest in telling the stories of my travels in a blog!

3,200 miles in 7 days – that’s around 450 miles each day, starting with the GWR Riviera Night Sleeper from Paddington to Penzance, a crazy day taking me from Brighton to Inverness on 3 trains (685 miles, 10 hours, 1 tight connection…is it possible??!) and a logistically challenging trip around Wales (necessitating one bus ride to complete a loop…boooo!).

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