Once again, I slept well on the Yesvantpur Express. I bedded down around midnight and the train was already nice and quiet and probably around 80% full. I woke around 4 and fell back to sleep quickly waking around 0730. Food wasn’t served on this train and so far the only way of telling whether food is included or not, is by checking the price whether there is a catering charge – which I don’t think you can even deselect. I grabbed a few bits and bobs from the endless stream of IRCTC attendants and that was sufficient. The scenery was largely unremarkable as we approached Bangalore but it was nice to sit at the open door feeling the warmth and watching the green fields roll by.

We arrived in Yesvantpur on time again and it was a very short walk to Bengaluru’s relatively new metro system. Rs35 took me all the way almost to the entrance of the Oberoi. I have stayed here a number of times for work trips and it rates as one of the top hotels I have stayed in anywhere in the world.

Walking in, passing a Bentley, Aston Martin and Ferrari (it is hard to imagine why anyone would want to drive one of these cars around and through Bengaluru’s chaotic traffic, let alone how they can possibly avoid any dings and scratches), I felt somewhat out of place with a large and small grubby backpack.

The hotel and its staff didn’t disappoint. I could wax lyrical about the superb levels of service and ambience the whole hotel has. It truly is exceptional.

Again I was treated to an upgrade (I think they still have an @microsoft email on my record which I thought I had changed) and the room was absolutely beautiful, overlooking the lush, serene gardens where I went for a light lunch, followed a while later before a refreshing swim.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of the Oberoi is the Polo Bar and drinking a G&T on the verandah. It is absolutely wonderful. Here I was met by a colleague and after a London priced double G&T, we headed for an excellent thali which for both of us cost the same as one of the drinks! That really put’s things in to perspective.

Bengaluru is perhaps one of India’s most liveable cities. It’s metro, whilst small, is impressive and growing. MG, Brigade and Church Road offer a number of international shops, the airport is relatively new and the climate is a lot easier than many cities. And you have the Oberoi which I hope I will have the immense pleasure to return to again in the not too distant future. A slice of heaven, indeed!

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